Drafts 2020: Year in Review

Drafts entered 2020 at version 16, full action support for the Mac had just shipped. Drafts will be leaving 2020 at version 25. Time to look back at some of the highlights of what has been going on with Drafts this year.


Highlights of 2020 Releases

  • v17: Editor improvements, like insertion point highlighting, and max. characters per line. New themes, Medium posting support.
  • v18: TaskPaper and arrange mode improvements, tons of additional contextual menus on iOS. More app and action icons.
  • v19: Quick Search. Support for running AppleScript and Shell Scripts in actions.
  • v20: Wiki-style cross-linking support, Typewriter scrolling.
  • v21: Undo support for drafts list actions. Advanced HTML Previews
  • v22: Widgets, iOS 14 support, including significant design updates. Support for workspaces with date ranges.
  • v23: Advanced search query support, including boolean and regular expression searches.
  • v24: Big Sur and Apple Silicon support. Local assets support in HTML Previews. FlickType keyboard integration on Apple Watch. Keyword searching of action icons.
  • v25: Performance and memory use improvements. Display keyboard shortcuts in action list.

Looking Ahead to 2021

Things keep moving forward with Drafts. 2021 will bring a lot of new things to the app, as we continue to move forward with the implementation of custom syntax highlighting definitions and themes. Expect those features, new service integrations, as well as a new focus on building resources to help you get the most out of Drafts! Stay tuned.

Drafts Pro Changes

The price of Drafts Pro will be changing on Jan. 1, 2021. We have posted more details about this change, but be aware that if you have an existing subscription, or start one before Jan. 1, 2021, the price change will not affect you.

Thank You!

A big thanks to all the people who use Drafts. I’m always amazed by the consistently positive, productive people who engage with Drafts, use it in their workflows, and share what they’ve done with the community. It’s a big part of what makes Drafts great, and I genuinely appreciate the support!


Thank you for all your hard work everyone really appreciates it :raised_hands:t2::clap:t2:

Incredible work, Greg! Your software is truly outstanding.

Yes thanks to Drafts, my interstitial journaling is so swift and easy :slight_smile: welldone and thank you :pray:

Amazing year in review. Thanks Greg for everything!

Thanks, Greg, for all you’ve done to evolve Drafts in 2020. I’m a very happy user.

I hope in 2021 you find some time to make the Action Development task easier and slicker. I’m thinking particularly of the case where an Action has a single Javascript step.

I’d like to add my thanks for all you have done over the year, Greg. Not just ‘feature marketing’ but real added functionality, all really well engineered. I’m a very happy user!