On tapping Select
the text changes to Cancel
, but after selecting a bunch of drafts and performing an operation on them, it is slightly unintuitive that it remains as Cancel
rather than Done
. To me, “cancel” means to back out of the process without affecting anything. If this is an easy change to make it would remove a small point of friction.
I am a researcher who frequently extracts citable or quotable material from sources available on Kindle and Questia. I can share to Drafts from both sources but still have to manually provide citation information, e.g., in APA style “Bowman (2007: 53).” If Drafts could do that automatically, it would be an enormous help.
Already posted in Feature Requests, but worth repeating here (worth it to me, anyway ): it would be handy to have a slot for recently used icons in the Icon Selector.
This is something I’d love to see addressed as well. It’s often the only reason I need to take my hands off the keyboard. Scrolling with Up/Down works on the the Action List perfectly.
Hi folks, I’m usually lurking and reading a ton of posts, but not active on the posting side myself.
Is the Drafts Keyboard Basic outdent and intent available on Drafts for MacOS?
I am converting from using Quip, Google Docs, Evernote, and many other apps/services to Drafts and am trying to figure out how to remap the TAB key to indent and SHIFT+TAB to outdent in Drafts on MacOS.
I use these on my iPad and iPhone al the time, but can’t seem to find “actions” on the MacOS version. I’m guessing that it’s not available based on other content I’ve read, but I wanted to ask, just in case I overlooked something.
I guess I could use KeybardMaestro to do it, but wasn’t sure if this was built into the app itself.
Indent and outdent are actions, hence their availability on the actions keyboard row. Once the Mac app supports actions, these should work.
Based on his posts here and on the Slack channel, Greg is still working on this, and I believe a beta version with some level of action support will be available once the i*OS13 churn settles down and he can finish getting everything lined up ready for such a test.
Thanks @sylumer.
There were loads of posts about this, and your summary matches up with my understanding. I just wanted confirmation of my interpretation.
No pressure, Greg and team!
Would love it if the markdown editor indented/outdented list items on TAB and SHIFT-TAB
List example:
- would love it if upon hitting CR here
- I was able to hit TAB to indent this line automatically
and would you like tabs or spaces? And, if spaces, how many?
You could assign set CTRL+TAB and SHFT+TAB to the existing default indent and outdent actions (defaults are CMD+] and CMD+[ respectively - as discussed earlier in this thread).
But I do note that by default on iPadOS, SHIFT+TAB is switching me back and forth between editor entry and tag entry in Drafts.
I’d prefer tabs please
When working on a long draft (e.g. more than 200 lines ; iPhone 8), switching to another app and coming back to Drafts very often displays the beginning of the draft with keyboard disabled. I have to either scroll down or tap the Navigate button to go back to the draft bottom and continue writing. Very annoying.
Thanks for this thread