Sending pieces of a single Draft to different destinations through Actions

Please note that the processing action from from the Quick Journalling action group has some limitations of applicability for this particular case. That is purely because it is a particular solution to someone else’s requirements, but there’s actually not that much overlap to the example above.

The points that I would note are:

  1. The processing action does not have anything for working with Reminders (or whatever as yet undisclosed “my todo app”) or Evernote (Google Sheets seems to have disappeared as a requirement).
  2. The processing action deals with line markers. It doe not deal with a daily note structure based on sections.
  3. The processing action does not take into account any multiline inputs, only single line inputs.
  4. The only parsing of content occurs when it is a Fantastical entry, and it is Fantastical that is doing the parsing, not the processing action.

However, if @snsokstan1 is willing to change the entire approach to creating the daily note draft to align to the different structure, then the processing action could be used as the basis for processing the content of the draft. But determining the type of line entry isn’t the hardest part. Figuring out the processing for each line is much trickier, and because the action doesn’t cover any of the apps required (unless the mysterious “my todo app” is one of the ones catered for), it isn’t going to provide any insights there.

Greg’s Reminder with Options action has some Reminders parsing in it and would probably be a useful resource for figuring out how to process reminders.

There are also lots of actions that deal with Evernote in various ways that could be the basis of working with those two sections. However, Evernote also has issues in regards to URL schemes, and support for AppleScript, so using Drafts’ standard Evernote action step is probably the only way to go; but it does support notebook and tags, and we can have multiple steps to create multiple notes.