Save to Dropbox without network connection

I would like to send Drafts to Dropbox locally and without a network connection which the Dropbox API requires.

Currently I use 1Writer’s x-callback-url which works well enough but the app is stagnant and I would prefer to use Drafts rather than rely on another app.

I would appreciate assistance.



Set up a bookmark for the folder in Dropbox and set a file action step to use it. I just tried it and it seemed to work for me.

@sylumer is correct, Bookmarks are you option to write directly to Dropbox while offline. You will, of course, need to have the Dropbox app installed. More overview of the options for working with Dropbox (and sample actions) in our integration guide:

Thank you very much. Just what I needed and I have it working now.

Thank you too @agiletortoise