POLL: What services would you like to see added to Drafts?

Pretty much anything Drafts can do in terms of automation can be done in Alfred (indeed, most of my custom actions and searches in Drafts are adaptations / conversions of my existing Alfred workflows). What you don’t get is the document management and the ease of creating a new note without worrying about the file system.

The alternative I’ve been using is an Alfred workflow that hooks into a script to open BBEdit with a new document containing the clipboard contents, with flags to open it “clean” i.e. so if you don’t change it, you can just close the window with no save dialog, and with the cursor at the front.

pbpaste | /usr/local/bin/bbedit --clean --view-top

This is called from a keyword but I also have it set up

Hotkey with selected text as argument > Copy to Clipboard > Run Script

BBEdit itself can also run scripts on the text – see Writing a Drafts script step which can also run in macOS BBEdit

For my usage, though, Drafts has really been about getting iOS devices to do things I can already do easily on the Mac, so I don’t see the Mac version as a priority (or even necessary) – I realise that makes me a heretic in these parts.