Hello guys/gals,
I have this situation. I have this software called Super Memo (the original space repetition software) which exports their flashcards in this form, its called Q&A which stand for Questions and Answers and its a single text file (.txt) with the flashcards in the following format
Q: It's a slowly progressive, persistent airflow obstruction associated with chronic inflammation of the airway [...]
Q: An oximetry reading of = [...]% is generally acceptable in an asymptomatic client with COPD
A: 88
Q: In order to prevent aspiration the food should be thickened liquids and also make sure they are not [...] prior to having their meal.
A: sedated
Now I don’t know if Drafts can do this but here it goes, can Drafts import said text file (.txt) with these flashcards in this format and create single entries and not 1 big file containing them.
I tried to import the file and it just creates a big file in the same format but I have to create single entries of each Q: and A: so both of these would be a single entry with a space in between the Q: and A: like in this sample clip Single Entry Sample Clip of what I mean by this
So in essence each single entry would like this
Q: It's a slowly progressive, persistent airflow obstruction associated with chronic inflammation of the airway [...]
Thanks so much and I can buy you a beer or two for this script thank guys/gals I’m hoping its within Drafts toolset to create this import and the rest via a script.
Or if after I import the big .txt with it then via script I can create the single entries as explained above that would work too into a Workspace I could designate to have these.