Feature Request: add parameter to search URL scheme for "inbox", "archive", "all", "flagged"

I would love to be able to specify “where” the search should take place. Typically I want “all”, but the app is usually in “inbox” when search (via Alfred) is invoked so I always have to switch tabs.

now that “all”, “inbox”, “archive” etc. can be set by Workspace, maybe the URL scheme for “search” could specify workspace? I’m using method that on iOS pretty well. Would love something on Mac to get similar results–some way to programmatically specify search terms AND workspace, or search terms AND drafts tab.

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Would love to see this implemented. I use a LaunchBar action to search my Drafts, and its a bit frustrating to have to click on “All” in order for the search to return everything in my Drafts library.

On the whole, I think you’d be better off using quick search for that case, which always searches globally:


I feel like I might be missing something—why not create an action that takes the query and searches ‘all’ or tthat creates a temp workspace that uses your search parameters? You can load either of those via url scheme…

This works perfectly for what I’m looking for! Thanks for the pointer.