Drafts to Mindnode (include notes)

I would like to start of by saying, I know about the actions that are already available but to me it seems like the do not include having the notes feature.

Is there any way of exporting to Mindnode and have it include a note ?

I would like to be able to select multiple Drafts entrences where the first line is the name of the branch and the body of the text is the note and then I would move each branch to it´s place in a mindmap I already have. Is this possible ?

It would also me nice to be able to create a mindmap in drafts that also includes notes.



A Drafts action that appended draft to an existing mind map would be of real use. Anyone doing this?

I’m not sure MindNode has an API for this (or a file import format). Which is why I continue to use iThoughts for trees that come from outside of it. (Mainframe programs generate them.)

Thanks Martin is there a Drafts to IThoughts action? - I cant find it

Re IThoughts pity the outline can not be dragged and dropped same as within Mindnode- its the only reason I use MindNode

No, there isn’t. But the CSV file format is well understood. See here.

(For some additional manipulation of this CSV format there is my open source project: filterCSV.)

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MindNode actions use the MindNote URL schemes to import a document. It does not appear from their docs that they have any URL actions available to target existing documents.

I think the app does a pretty good job of understanding Markdown pasted from the clipboard, however. I think you would just need to copy draft content and paste in MindNode.

I use Drafts with iThoughts quite a bit. Do you need to append the contents of a whole draft to a specified iThoughts map? Might have something you can repurpose…

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Are you injecting shapes and colours into iThoughts @jsamlarose? Both of those are available via CSV.

Conditional formatting for the win. Once I select the right style template, I’ve basically got my own mark-up syntax for the shapes and colours I might need…

Gotta love the affordances in iThoughts. In a similar category as Drafts for apps that offer lots of value to people willing to establish their own workflows…

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Im working on the outline of several novels- if an idea occurs I simply want to send to Thoughts…then edit the Mindmap at a later date

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Yes, but with automation limited to reading a CSV your (and my mainframe’s) automation might’ve confected.

(I might try again to do UI scripting with iThoughtsX. I already got a rather fragile “Layout” automation Keyboard Maestro script working.)

Are you referring to FilterCSV? I’d be interested in hearing more about your workflow for this one. I don’t use CSV import at all, just URL schemes.

Mostly, my iThoughts integrations are about creating new maps (I have a “new project” action that creates a linked reminder and a supporting map) or wiki-linking to existing maps.

@akarkjl’s request got me thinking about an action to append text to an iThoughts map on the fly— using a folder bookmark to select a map from a specified folder (maybe with an MGChecklist prompt for quick filtering), then pushing selected text (or text of whole draft if no text is selected) to that map. I think I have most of the components spread across other actions, so shouldn’t take much effort to cobble something like this together.

Might be a bit overkill for @akarjl’s needs, but it was an interesting thought… of course, if you have something that already serves what they’re asking for, colour me curious!

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Is that one map per novel, or are they all just nodes in the same map? I’m assuming the former, but just checking… :wink:

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filterCSV is about fiddling with the CSV to create a new map - or it can be round tripped with the source being an iThoughtsX mind map and the destination another one.

The “layout” code looks like this:

tell application "System Events"
	-- delay 0.2
	tell application process "iThoughtsX"
		click radio button "Map" of tab group 1 of sheet 1 of front window
		delay 0.2
		tell tab group 1 of sheet 1 of front window
			-- Set Level 1 lines to straight
			tell pop up button 1
				-- delay 0.1
				click menu item "Straight" of menu 1
			end tell
			-- Set Level 2 lines to straight
			tell pop up button 2
				--delay 0.1
				click menu item "Straight" of menu 1
			end tell
			delay 0.2
			tell pop up button 3
				-- delay 0.1
				click menu item "  Vertical" of menu 1
			end tell
			-- Set auto-align to full			
			tell pop up button 5
				-- delay 0.1
				click menu item "Full" of menu 1
			end tell
			-- Set concavity / convexity to none
			tell pop up button 4
				-- delay 0.1
				click menu item "  None" of menu 1
			end tell
			-- Uncheck Tapered
			set taperedCheckbox to checkbox "Tapered"
			tell taperedCheckbox
				if its value as boolean then click taperedCheckbox
			end tell
			-- Check Compact
			set compactCheckbox to checkbox "Compact"
			tell compactCheckbox
				if its value as boolean is false then click compactCheckbox
			end tell
		end tell
		click button "Done" of sheet 1 of front window
	end tell
end tell

and this is preceded by a step that selects “Style Settings” from the “Edit” menu.

Hoping this helps.

Interesting… I’m mostly on iOS so I can’t instantly see a way of adopting this… but I had never really looked into the possibilities of working with CSV for iThoughts manipulations. I suspect that, for my workflows, plain text via URL schemes is most appropriate, particularly for easy round-tripping, but I’ll certainly keep this in mind. Thanks for the nod in that direction!

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I have iThoughts on Mac, iPad, iPhone - but mostly use it on Mac. I think with UI scripting I can do still more. Unfortunately there’s no automation to speak of on iOS - but a mind map could be round-tripped between iOS/iPad OS and Mac.

Nodes in same map ie appending a Map

So an “insert tree of Markdown nodes at last child of selected node” automation would be pretty cool. Complex but probably could be done on Mac. I’d be thinking of nested bullets in Markdown (from eg Drafts).

Difficulties would be:

  1. Parsing the Markdown tree.
  2. The actual iThoughtsX keystrokes to insert stuff correctly.

Actually I was being unfair on iThoughts on iOS /iPad OS as it has a x-callback-url scheme.

(EDIT: Clarifying this is not for Mac but for iOS / iPad OS - so might actually help @jsamlarose after all.)

Yep— it’s the URL scheme that I use for the iThoughts actions I’ve already built for my own workflows. IThoughts uses indents to recognise hierarchy when you append text via the URL scheme, so parsing isn’t too much of an issue if you know what’s going on.

Also to clarify: I’m good— happy with my existing set-up for integrating Drafts and iThoughts— I’m just trying to support the conversation towards @akarjl’s intended outcome. Like I say, I’m not much of a Mac user these days (almost exclusively iPadOS at this point) so I’m not sure if I can offer anything useful beyond the sense that it should be possible.

If i(Pad)OS were an option in this circumstance, I could certainly throw something together that could append a draft to an iThoughts map. I could have sworn I had a URL action at one point that used something like


to handle iThoughts appends… I haven’t found it in my lists so I must have archived/deleted it for lack of use…

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