Drafts to Mindnode (include notes)


Seems to work each line appears as a branch

Notes are not populated unfortunatley but its a start

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This is as expected. :slight_smile: There is a “note” parameter, but that will only populate the notes field of the first node per import.

Might be useful to note that indented/tabbed lines will produce child nodes…

It might help if you post an example of the structure of the kind of text you’re thinking about importing— I’d be curious about how you’re designating nodes vs notes vs child nodes…

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If I generate a draft and send to mind node

Having created a Map I would like to amend the draft to an existing Map as a new node with a note

New Node

As a note=Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

From this text:

`# New node

Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

…to something like this output?:

If so, try:


assuming the content of one draft is equal to one node and the nodes within that node.

If you’re extracting more than one node + notes from a single draft, you might need some more involved scripting to parse headers to nodes and text after each header as notes.

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Great thats worked with ithoughts= node with notes text!

Do you have any idea how to achieve same with Mindnode? The mind map in Mindnode is editable- in IThoughts its not

Interesting. IThoughts maps should be editable. And if you add the &edit=YES parameter to the end of your URL that should open the map with a node selected for editing…

Mindnode’s URL scheme doesn’t allow for appending text to an existing map, as far as I understand it.

When you view a map as an outline in Mindnode you can drag nodes around and re arrange- removes the need for an outliner app IMHO.

When you view a map as an OUTLINE in Thoughts you can not drag nodes up and down i.e like an outliner. I am surprised this function is not available in Thoughts- I wouldn’t use Mindnode if Thoughts did this.

It wouldn’t hurt to drop Craig (iThoughts) a line with that feedback…

Would you mind sharing it with him if you know him? I don’t have any contact details. That one change would make ithoughts THE mind map/outliner app. Im not a coder or anything just a IT savy day to day mind map user.

I would if the outliner were something I actually used. (Craig DID add the triangle shape for me - and I use it in every client engagement - so he is reasonably responsive.)

My hesitance is because I can’t answer questions like “is this what you wanted?”

Email sent to Craig- fingers crossed.


Good response from Craig!

So workflow random notes ideas appended to Ithoughts map- switch to Outline layout…sort out structure…export as markdown to drafts…split with drafts to separate ulysses sheets

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Glad you’ve got it sorted out!

Note: that outline layout is just a style. You can specify that style when you set up a map for the first time if that’s your preference for these kind of book notes, and you won’t necessarily have to keep switching between layouts (unless you want to).

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I wasn’t aware of that layout style. As my machine-generated mind maps (really tree diagrams) get huge this could be handy. “Huge” can mean hundreds of nodes.

Big thanks to Craig at ithoughts/tokenware. Hes helped me with an action as below to Ithoughts.


This action works both from MAC and IOS devices

All thats needed is an existing map with a topic called ideas ( or whatever you want just modify the action)

I can write or dictate any ideas for say a plot into drafts then send to relevant mind map…brilliant.