Can this be done with Drafts 5?

Ok so here is my formula snippet action that works like a charm now. I don’t know why it works because I tried many other other ways but I can tell you this works 100%


In Anki Mobile (same as desktop obviously) I have a card called " JL Cloze 2.0 " (no quotes)
I created a Deck called Drafts and the first line of the drafts is cover by [[title]] and the body is the extra field on Anki plus added the x-success to stay in drafts.

hope this helps anyone.

Now for some reason which is above my pay grade the action admin on the Drafts repository called Anti-fy selection doesn’t work by adding the curly bracket at the }

This add-on basically encodes the selection for ready for Anki Cloze type cards but doesn’t use the last curly bracket and it needs to be added manually

Anti-fy selection generates this: {{c1: selection highlighted } anki needs it to be {{c1: selection highlighted }}

If anyone know what’s going, let me know please.