Anyone know of a iOS shortcut to send youtube app link+title to draft?

Hi all

i used to have a shortcut that allowed me to get the current link+title of the current playing video on youtube app and it seems to have stopped working (i guess youtube changes?)

i have a very simple use case to take that link, convert it to markdown and send to drafts so i can see the title of the you tube video and not just the link :).

i can do most of the stuff in shortcuts to share with drafts but getting the youtube current playing title from the app eludes me :slight_smile:

can anyone point me in the right direction?

thanks so much in advance!


Doesn’t the Drafts Quick Capture extension in the Sharesheet accomplish this?

no, this only captures a link like this

which when browsing drafts in a few days/weeks wont mean anything

would be great to have a nice formatted markdown link like this

[Why do the French go crazy for this? (the world left the chat) - YouTube](

@agiletortoise , would you consider a feature request to implement this in the quick capture extension when capturing from YouTube mobile?



The YouTube app is not sharing the video title, just the URL. It is YouTube who would have to modify what they are sharing via that or you need to code something to query YouTube for it as you had done previously in this thread using Shortcuts.

Unless you interact with an API, scraping the video name will always be subject to breaking when the page structure changes.