If as well as being a Mac user of Drafts, you are also an Alfred app user, then this post might be for you.
I’ve recently been updating and sharing some of my Alfred workflows, and I’m now in a position to share one I created for Drafts. I pulled together some separate workflows I had created over the course of the last year or two, and slowly started building it out. It may have grown a bit more than I’d originally anticipated.
You can download the workflow and read through the documentation and guides (yes, that really is how much it grew) at doctordrafts.thoughtasylum.com.
To give you a flavour of some of the sorts of things that are possible in this first release:
- Creating new drafts in the foreground or background (supporting newlines and tabs too).
- Searching for drafts by content or title (filtering the results live in Alfred).
- Copying the content of or URL to open a draft to the clipboard.
- Prepending and appending to drafts (again supporting newlines and tabs).
- Jump directly to various documentation pages on a variety of domains (also copy the URL or a Markdown link).
- View local quick reference information (available offline).
- Generate Drafts-styled feedback e-mails.
- Run a Drafts action by name.
- Open a new draft for dictation.
- Options for easily building your own custom Alfred workflows on top of it (worked examples provided + technical documentation).
- Append to a daily log, built to your own titling specification is one of the use case examples.
- Create a capture board for running a hotkey driven text capture draft is another of the use case examples.
This is a 1.0 release. It has had some beta testing, but there’s always the chance something’s not quite right. Any issues, just post something in this thread.
Likewise, I’m open to suggestions for improvements (though I’m not promising to apply them ), I will add stuff and check stuff off on the roadmap (on the website). I’d also love to see what customised workflows people come up with. Please do add to this thread and we’ll see where it goes.
There’s a general intro on my blog, but the download and lots more information are on doctordrafts.thoughtasylum.com.
Finally, for the particularly geeky amongst you, and I know there are quite a few of you, here is a high level view of what the workflow looks like in Alfred.
I told you it grew more than I anticipated.