Use the prompt command to select a Bear note to append to

I am using the prompt command to give a list of notes from which I select one note. then the draft is appended to that note. What is the prompt command returning? I have P1|P2 etc. in the prompt command, the button is created for me to press, but I don’t know what the output is to put into the x-callback command.

Building on that, can I use a Bear file to get a running list of notes instead of hard-coding the list into the prompt command?

Thanks for any help.

Can you share the action you have created?

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Sure, tell me how to do that. thanks.

Take a look at the Prompt step docs. They discuss using the result via tags.

In a default configuration, after tapping the P1 button, the tag [[prompt_button]] would return P1.

  1. Edit the action.
  2. Select the Share to Drafts Directory option.
  3. Unless you have shared it publicly before, it should default to ‘unlisted’ in the post settings, which is what you would want to use for something that isn’t working and ready to share with users looking for a working action.
  4. Select share.
  5. Select copy the URL to the clipboard - this is the link to the action.
  6. Paste it into your forum post.

Here it is in its simplest form.

I think that’s what I am doing. Take a look at the action shown above in this thread. I’m probably missing something really simple.

Tag is case-sensitive. You changed the default key for the prompt from “prompt” to “Prompt” - so the tag generated for the button would be [[Prompt_button]] (note initial cap).

Ahhhh, thanks! I said it was something really simple.