Text Transform Tools

Forgive me if this already exists but is there an action that will permit searching-and-replacing predefined text?

My use case: I’m a journalist and I need to submit articles for publication with a specific HTML style. I need to replace smart quotes and other smart punctuation with their dumb equivalents. em-dashes need to be replaced with two hyphens. HTML entities need to be replaced with their punctuation equivalents. And hrefs need to be set to open in a new window/tab.

I’m looking to create an action that will go through a draft and sequentially search-and-replace on each of those items. I could create it myself but I’d need to have a search-and-replace action that I could use as its basis, and there doesn’t seem to be one.

I’ve used TextSoap for this function for years on the Mac, but I’ve just started using the iPad as my primary computer when I’m away from my office, and so I’m looking to switch to Drafts for that cleanup.
