Tag filter panel: slow to load? [SOLVED]

After ~10 years of using Drafts, I’ve accumulated over 1000 tags.

Mostly my fault, though I can also point towards some blogging actions that store post info as tags. TBH, I’m not that concerned about the number of tags in itself, except it takes about 4 or 5 seconds for my tag filter panel to open. I guess I’m wondering if that’s just how it is with that number of tags, whether it’s something that possibly could be optimised in the future, or whether I should look towards pruning my tags to keep things speedy. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/responses!

My gut instinct is you have a lot of noise in your tags and beyond any performance issues, the usefulness might improve if you could pare them down to a more manageable level.

It’s a fair instinct! A number of my tags are vestigial artefacts left over from ways of working that either served me well for a time or seemed like they would, but are no longer used in the way they were initially intended.

Regardless: in everyday usage, I haven’t yet encountered many difficulties getting what I want out of tags. I mostly use tags for filtering (workspaces, scripting etc). With my current set of workspaces and scripts, I’m good. All my other legacy tags are ignored, retained for posterity.

I’ll likely slowly chip away at the pile and whittle things down, but I’ll be more inclined to make more of an effort if I can be sure that there’ll be a significant uptick in tag filter performance…

How many tags are you working with, if you don’t mind me asking? Does your tag filter panel open instantly?

About 50 and I need to tidy up a bunch of test ones. Everything works fast for me in relation to tags.

Do you use the “Only Current Tags” display option on the tag panel? That is an inherently non-performant option best reserved for a limited dataset. I would not expect “All Tags” to have that sort of performance problem, even with a large number of tags.


Aha. I think that just may have been it. Haven’t toggled that setting for a long time now, but indeed, it’s been on “only current tags”. Definite improvement in panel loading time. Thank you!

@agiletortoise for what it’s worth— you know I’ve been reporting a lot of crashes recently? Haven’t seen a single crash since I turned “only current tags” off. Looks like it was having a pretty serious impact on my day-to-day operations…