Sort a list and add text to each line

Hi there,

I have the following thing I want to do with Drafts:

I have a list with 7 items (always 7), like this:

  • Earth
  • Europe
  • Germany
  • Stuttgart
  • Mauerstraße
  • 7
  • Hinterhaus

Now I want to reverse the order of the items to

  • Hinterhaus
  • 7
  • Mauerstraße
  • Stuttgart
  • Germany
  • Europe
  • Earth

And as a last step I would like to add specific text in front of each line, always the same text, so it looks like this:

  • Etage: Hinterhaus
  • Number: 7
  • street: Mauerstraße
  • city: Stuttgart
  • country: Germany
  • continent: Europe
  • planet: Earth

How can I achieve this (as you can see I have no idea how to use JavaScript for this…)

Thanks in advance…

Here you go, this should work in a script step:

let prefixes = ["Etage", "Number", "street", "city", "country", "continent", "planet"]
let output = "- " + editor.getSelectedText().substr(2).split("\n- ").reverse().map((item, index) => prefixes[index] + ": " + item).join("\n- ")

Note: you have to select the text first. That’s easy to change if that’s not what you wanted.

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Thank you so much, works!
How can I change it so it just takes all the text in the current draft?

Try this:

let prefixes = ["Etage", "Number", "street", "city", "country", "continent", "planet"]
draft.content = "- " + draft.content.substr(2).split("\n- ").reverse().map((item, index) => prefixes[index] + ": " + item).join("\n- ")
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This is fabulous, thank you. How can I add text before the sorted text, something like:
## this is the sorted list:

Like so:

let prefixes = ["Etage", "Number", "street", "city", "country", "continent", "planet"]
draft.content = "## this is the sorted list:\n- " + draft.content.substr(2).split("\n- ").reverse().map((item, index) => prefixes[index] + ": " + item).join("\n- ")
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Awesome, thank you. Looks complicated…

It’s not actually as bad as it looks, although doing all the work in one line doesn’t help! I could probably write a much clearer version in 10 lines.

Here’s a breakdown if you’re interested in picking up some JavaScript:

  • draft.content is all the text in the draft.
  • substr(2) removes the first two characters of the first line: the hyphen and the space, which means that the text is now just a list of items separated by a newline then a hyphen then a space.
  • split("\n- ") splits the text up using this separator (\n is the newline character) to give a list of all the items.
  • reverse() reverses this list.
  • map() is a method that allows you to do something to all the items in a list, in this case add the corresponding item (prefix[index]) from prefixes plus a colon and a space.
  • join() is like the opposite of split()
  • Then finally you add on the text at the beginning, including a newline and hyphen and a space (which were previously removed from the first item).
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Glad you showed reverse() becuse this isn’t actual sorting. Perhaps the title of this thread should be edited to say “Reverse” instead of “Sort”.

(While I probably have title editing privileges I’m loth to use them.)