I am trying to create a Shortcut that uses the “Run action on Draft” however I cannot find/ select the action I want to use, but I am sure it exists. It is not showing in the window, nor can search for it. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
What happens when you try to select the action? Does a prompt appear allowing you to search for actions?
Can you search and locate other actions, just not this particular one?
If you search in Drafts, over the action list, for that same action does search find it?
A prompt appears and prompting several actions, when I search by entering the name some other actions appear but not all of the search prompt. If I copy paste the name of the action in the search, it is not finding the action either, I am sure it exists.
Thank you so much!
I had two problems:
The Search visibilty was not checked (how stupid of me)
My MBP, iPad and iPhone were not syncing correctly. By simply turning on and off everything came in sync again.
Thanks for your support and you wunderfull product!
I have this issue as well. Shortcuts only shows one or two actions (different on different devices). None of the ones it shows are marked as visible in search. Tried reinstalling Drafts but that made no difference. Nor did reinstalling Shortcuts.
Did you search for the actions in the selection pane in Shortcuts? The action list is too big to load them for browsing, you have to search by name to filter the list and find what you need.
Yes - but nothing new shows up and indeed even ones that match the search string disappear. It’s not a massive problem, I can just use an URL action, just a bit odd.
So, just to be clear per the earlier messages in the thread, are you able to search for these missing actions in Drafts? Is their search visibility enabled?