Share to specific Notion page without Notion opening

I would love to be able to send a draft straight from drafts to my notion “notebook” database.

All it would need to do is past the first line in drafts as the title and all subsequent lines in the body. Has this already been figured out? I’m new to drafts.

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I am also having issues to work. I installed the script, added the credentials for my inbox page and Secret ID and I have shared my drafts integration with the inbox page. I have hit the “add to notion” button and it says success, but nothing is appearing in my inbox.

I have no coding experience so I’m not too sure what is actually being written in the code.

Hi, thanks for the help everybody :pray:

I was really hoping to get this to work now, been waiting way to long for an easy fix to get a note from Drafts into Notion :hourglass_flowing_sand:

I hate to say this but this is getting to complicated for me :man_facepalming: it looks like I will just be sticking to the “Import from Evernote” option (send first to evernote and then import from Evernote to Notion)… which is to many steps for my taste, but if it´s the only way (easy way) for now then it is what it is.

@agiltortoise I look forward to seeing more Notion support!