I’ve got a massive Archive and want to cull all the Drafts whose last action taken was “Add to Draft”. I don’t see anything in the Directory, so I presume this would involve writing a script that would loop through the actionLogs property, match something there against “Add to Draft”, then, as long as this is a reliable and correct way to identify it, delete the Draft. Am I on the right track? I’m not a JS whiz, so if anyone cares to get me started with a code snippet, that would be quite welcome!
Something like the below might work for you. It will assign a “to-delete” tag to the archived drafts with a matching action log for that action name. You could then filter the draft list by that tag to review and select them all to trash.
// this gets you all the drafts in the archive
let drafts = Draft.query("", "archive")
// loop over the drafts
for (let d of drafts) {
// loop over each draft's action logs
for (let log of d.actionLogs) {
// if the action name matches, assign a tag to the draft
if (log.action.name == "Add to Draft") {
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Thanks, that worked, after a few tweaks…
// this gets you all the drafts in the archive
let drafts = Draft.query("", "archive");
// loop over the drafts
for (let d of drafts) {
// If an action log exists...
if (d.actionLogs) {
// Loop over each draft's action log...
for (let l of d.actionLogs) {
// If the action exists...
if (l.action) {
// If the action is the designated action...
if (l.action.name == "Add to Draft") {
// Tag the draft...
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