Selecting OpenAI answer text from HTTPResponse

First post here. I am trying to create an action that uses the OpenAI chatgpt4 API to summarize an email imported from Drafts Maildrop, and appends the response to the bottom of the message.

I have successfully gotten it to the point where the entire HTTPResponse object gets added to the bottom of the draft. But I don’t want the whole response object as a string - I just want the answer text.

This is the script I wrote

const draftText = editor.getText()

// create OpenAI object
let ai = new OpenAI()

// make API request
let response = ai.request({
	"path": "/chat/completions",
	"method": "POST",
	"parameters": "draftText",
	"data": {
		"model": "gpt-4",
		"messages": [
				"role": "system",
				"content": "[my instructions for summarizing the message here]"
			{"role": "user",
			"content": draftText

// report status
console.log(`CODE: ${response.statusCode}

ERR: ${response.error}


let content = `${draftText}





Here is the response I get:

  "id": "chatcmpl-[removed from post]",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1693372536,
  "model": "gpt-4-0613",
  "choices": [
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "[the chatGPT answer I want to isolate is here]"
      "finish_reason": "stop"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 5567,
    "completion_tokens": 277,
    "total_tokens": 5844


Can anyone help me figure out how to handle this HTTPResponse object?

Untested, but try replacing ${response.responseText} with the line below and see if that works for your example.


If you are just wanting to append below the email, you can use the quickChatResponse method

Here is an example based on your post.

// Get the current text from the Drafts editor.
const draftText = editor.getText();

// Create an OpenAI object.
let ai = new OpenAI();

// Define the chat prompt for summarization.
const chatPrompt = `Summarize the following message:\n\n===\n${draftText}\n===\n\n===\n`;

// Use the quickChatResponse method to get a quick summary.
let answer = ai.quickChatResponse(chatPrompt);

// Check if the answer is defined before proceeding.
if (typeof answer !== 'undefined') {
    // Prepare the content to be inserted in the Drafts editor.
    const contentToInsert = `\n\n===\n${answer}\n===\n`;

    // Insert the generated content at the cursor position.
} else {
    console.log("Received undefined answer from quickChatResponse.");

If you are wanting to call it directly, the full example would look something like this:

const draftText = editor.getText();

// Create an OpenAI object. This object is used to interact with the OpenAI API.
let ai = new OpenAI();

// Make an API request to OpenAI's chat completions endpoint.
let response = ai.request({
    // The API endpoint path for chat completions.
    "path": "/chat/completions",
    // The HTTP method for the request.
    "method": "POST",
    // Parameters to send with the request. In this case, "draftText" seems to be specified as a parameter, although its actual use is not clear.
    "parameters": "draftText",
    // The payload data for the request.
    "data": {
        // Specify the model to use (GPT-4 in this case).
        "model": "gpt-4",
        // The sequence of messages to send to the model.
        "messages": [
            // The first message is from the "system" to give instructions to the model.
                "role": "system",
                "content": "[my instructions for summarizing the message here]"
            // The second message is from the "user" and contains the text to be processed.
                "role": "user",
                "content": draftText

// Log the status code and any errors to the console for debugging.
console.log(`CODE: ${response.statusCode}\nERR: ${response.error}`);

// Parse the raw JSON response text to get it into object form.
let parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response.responseText);

// Extract the message content from the first choice in the response.
let messageContent = parsedResponse.choices[0].message.content;

// Prepare the content that will replace the selected text in the Drafts editor.
// It consists of the original draft text, followed by the model's response, separated by '==='.
let content = `\n\n===\n${messageContent}\n===\n`;

// Replace the selected text (appends when no text is selected) in the Drafts editor with the prepared content.
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Thank you! That worked perfectly. I will use the quickChatResponse method for this, but I appreciate you giving the solution for the direct call as well.