Search & Filtering Using Regex Not Working

The moment I enter a RegEx query, I get 0 results. RegEx has to be between “/RegEx/” ? Not a single entry produces any results.

You might review examples in the User Guide.

Your expression has to be something that matches the entire content of the draft, it’s not like scanning a string for matches.

What do you mean entire content?

Say that I am searching for any draft that contains Date of Interview: followed by a date.

My query is going to be/Date of Interview: \w+/

This should match a draft that has this

  • Date of Interview: January 15, 2025

Nad omit a drat that has nothing for date

  • Date of Interview:

You are creating patterns that answer the question, “does a match for this pattern exist inside a string?” Which is the model for scanning a string for search and replace, etc.

You need to create patterns that answer the question, “does this entire string match this pattern?” Which is the model for an expression-based query.

Typically, this exhibits itself by wrapping a sub-pattern. So, if you want any drafts that contain the characters FOO, you would so something like /.*FOO.*/ - which translates roughly to “find FOO with any number of characters before or after it”

Hopefully that makes sense.

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