Script Step - post to GitHub without Working Copy

(Along the way, it also adds headers to create a proper Jekyll blog post, and demonstrates the Credential object in use).

I just wanted to write a paragraph or two, and turn that into a blog post with one action, without needing a third-party app. I babbled about it on my blog, but the JavaScript itself is probably of most use here:

const credential = Credential.create("GitHub blog repo", "The repo name, and its credentials, hosting the Jekyll blog.");

credential.addTextField("username", "GitHub Username");
credential.addTextField('repo', 'Repo name');
credential.addPasswordField("key", "GitHub personal access token");


const githubKey = credential.getValue('key');
const githubUser = credential.getValue('username');
const repo = credential.getValue('repo');

const http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object
const base = '';

const txt = draft.content;
const posttime = new Date();

const datestr = `${posttime.getFullYear()}-${pad(posttime.getMonth() + 1)}-${pad(posttime.getDate())}`;
const timestr = `${pad(posttime.getHours())}:${pad(posttime.getMinutes())}`;
const slug = String((posttime.getHours() * 60 * 60) + (posttime.getMinutes() * 60) + posttime.getSeconds());

const fn = `${datestr}-${slug}.markdown`;

const link = getLink();

const yaml = {
    layout: 'post',
    date: `${datestr} ${timestr}`,
    category: 'micropost',
    title: '""'

if (link) {
    yaml.linkURL = link;

let preamble = "---\n";

for (const f in yaml) {
    preamble += `${f}: ${yaml[f]}\n`;

preamble += "---\n\n";

const doc = `${preamble}${txt}`;

const options = {
    url: `${githubUser}/${repo}/contents/_posts/${fn}`,
    method: 'PUT',
    data: {
        message: `micropost ${datestr}`,
        content: Base64.encode(doc)
    headers: {
        'Authorization': `token ${githubKey}`

var response = http.request(options);

if (response.success) {
    // yay
} else {

function pad(n) {
    let str = String(n);
    while (str.length < 2) {
        str = `0${str}`;
    return str;

function getLink() {
    var p = Prompt.create();

    p.title = 'External link';
    p.message = 'If this is a link post, we need a link.';

    p.addTextField('externalLink', 'Link', '');


    const didSelect =;

    const link = p.fieldValues.externalLink;

    if (link && p.buttonPressed == 'Use') {
        return link;

    return null;

Edited to use the new built-in Base64 object added in Drafts 5.6.

Somewhat related, I just asked for an action that would allow me to post private gists on GitHub. Reading your blog post and trying to figure out if it would be possible to create one for that…

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