Saving to a specific folder in Google Drive

When I add the name of a specific folder in the Google Drive action in Drafts, and then run the action, instead of saving the file in that folder it creates a duplicate of that folder on Google Drive and saves the file in that new duplicate folder.

For example. I have an existing folder in Google Drive called Sample Folder. I run the action and I now have Sample Folder and a new folder named Sample Folder (1). What am I doing wrong?

Drafts can only access content (files and folders) created by Drafts in Google Drive.

Google Drive integration used to be able to access the full content of Google Drive, but due to changes in Google’s security requirements, the app integration can not see or update any files/folders that were not created by Drafts.

So, if you want to target a sub-folder and use actions that append-prepend to files, you cannot create those folders/files from outside of Drafts. They have to be created by a Drafts action initially – if that makes sense.

If you delete your “Sample Folder” in Google Drive and then run the action again, it should create the folder for you—and then your actions will be able to target that folder.

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