Save to Pinboard

Hi everyone, I’ve been trying to hack together a script to save an URL to Pinboard by butchering Add Pinboard Note but it’s just been timing out with no URL saved… I am a complete newbie at Javascript so I suspect this is just me simply not understanding how JS is actually properly written. Will be very grateful to any gurus out there who has some time for suggestions!

// See online documentation for examples

// Drafts | Where Text Starts

// get username and password from credentials

var credential = Credential.create(“Pinboard”, “Allow Login to the Pinboard Site for Requests. ONLY USE FOR ACTIONS NOT COVERED BY THE PINBOARD API”)

credential.addTextField(“username”, “Username”);

credential.addPasswordField(“password”, “Password”);


http = HTTP.create()

var response = http.request({

    'url': '',

    'method': 'POST',

    'data': {

        'username': credential.getValue('username'),

        'password': credential.getValue('password')},

    'encoding': 'form'



var response2 = http.request({

    'url': '',

    'method': 'POST',

    'data': {

        'url': [[draft]],

        'toread': yes,

        'tags': drafts,

        'submit': 'save_ ' + set_private,

        'action': 'save_' + set_private


    'username': credential.getValue('username'),

    'password': credential.getValue('password'),

    'headers': {'User-Agent': 'Drafts for IOS'},

    'encoding': 'form'







API documentation here:

Can’t post it previously as there is a posting limit for URLs for new forum joiners.