Several tools I use like Clean Text have actions that they refer to as “removing empty lines”, so that is what I was searching for here and in the Action Directory.
However, I did stumble across two actions that were for removing “blank lines.” Figured I would post here in case someone else doesn’t think of the alternative
Single action: Remove blank lines
3 in 1: Draft Modifier
- Remove Blank Lines
- Remove Duplicate Lines
- Split Draft at Cursor
For what it’s worth, the ThoughtAsylum - Writing action group has the following actions in it that deal with lines that could be described as “empty”.
TAD-Remove Blank Lines
Remove any blank lines from the draft. Blank lines may have no content or they may have whitespace only.
TAD-Remove Empty Lines
Remove any empty lines from the draft. Empty lines may have no content, whitespace counts as content.
TAD-Compress Spaces and Lines
Compress multiple spaces, blank lines and empty lines.
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We’re not still supposed to be socially distancing our lines?