Remove Workspace title name from draft tab title

Since the latest update, the draft tab’s title name (which is typically the first line of the draft) now appears with whatever current Workspace is selected at the start. Eg: ‘Workspace - Draft Title’

I couldn’t find any way to remove this so it appears like it did before (without the leading Workspace title name). Eg: ‘Draft Title’

Does anyone know how to achieve this please?

There is no setting for this…it’s one of those you can’t make everyone happy situations, I suppose.

A workspace name only appears if unaltered workspace settings are applied to that window, and, generally, I think makes sense for helping contextualize the tabs.

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A workspace name only appears if unaltered workspace settings are applied to that window, and, generally, I think makes sense for helping contextualize the tabs.

Hi, thanks for replying. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘unaltered workspace settings are applied’.

I guess for me it’s that I relied on being able to see the top line of a draft as the only text on the tab.

But now every tab looks the same because the Workspace title is now there (eg they all say ‘Main Workspace -’ instead. So I have to cycle through them to find the one I want if I have quite a few open at the same time.

Not a deal breaker, oc. I just wondered why it had changed with the latest update and whether there was a way to change it :slight_smile: