Since the latest update, the draft tab’s title name (which is typically the first line of the draft) now appears with whatever current Workspace is selected at the start. Eg: ‘Workspace - Draft Title’
I couldn’t find any way to remove this so it appears like it did before (without the leading Workspace title name). Eg: ‘Draft Title’
A workspace name only appears if unaltered workspace settings are applied to that window, and, generally, I think makes sense for helping contextualize the tabs.
A workspace name only appears if unaltered workspace settings are applied to that window, and, generally, I think makes sense for helping contextualize the tabs.
Hi, thanks for replying. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘unaltered workspace settings are applied’.
I guess for me it’s that I relied on being able to see the top line of a draft as the only text on the tab.
But now every tab looks the same because the Workspace title is now there (eg they all say ‘Main Workspace -’ instead. So I have to cycle through them to find the one I want if I have quite a few open at the same time.
Not a deal breaker, oc. I just wondered why it had changed with the latest update and whether there was a way to change it