Remove Line/Paragraph Number In Draft List

Q1: Is there a way to remove the ‘line number’ item in the Draft List? In the Draft List view, it gets a little messy with the line numbers right next to a numbered list. See below.

Q2: Is there a way to remove the ‘line number’ item in the Draft List yet still keep the line/paragraph number displayed in the main text window?

I have gone into the Editor/Preferences area and do see the check box toggle to show/hide line/paragraph numbers but when I changed that it did not seem to have any effect on the Draft List area.


The option you want to disable is “Show search preview”, which is a workspace-specific setting. You can disable it in the “…” list options menu above the list. If you want your default workspace to reflect that change, also choose “Save as Default” in that menu after making the change.

This setting is completely un-related to whether you have paragraph number enabled in the editor.

Awesome! Thank you for letting me know