Project Review Reminder Action/Shortcut

I am using Drafts as my master project list where I keep all of the details around a project. I’ve tried using all the various task management tools, but I find them more useful for specific actions, not project management. While OmniFocus, Things 3 all all good things, I like the freedom that Drafts provides me.

What Drafts doesn’t provide is a review reminder to make sure I don’t have things slipping through the cracks. This is where Reminders (or in my case, Goodtask) excels, reminding me to go review a specific project (Draft). This is done with an Action and a Shortcut.

The Drafts Action is simple, just execute shortcut “Create Project Reminder Review” and pass it the following:


(This can be seen here: Drafts Action Example)

The shortcut can be found here: Create Project Reminder Review

Note: I used Shortcuts to take advantage of Toolbox Pro (Required) with the ability to add a recurring reminder. I have not found a way to do that totally within Drafts as of yet.