I’ve been using Drafts Quick Capture on my iPad (iPadOS 16.7.10 - can not update to the latest OS since my iPad is kind of old) to capture notes from Mastadon posts. It use to work just fine and capture all the text in the message into a new note. But at some point it stopped capturing the text and now only gets a web link. The posts are exactly the same as they use to be as far as formatting and text from what I can see, but this capture no longer works like it use too. Any ideas why this started happening? Extra credit if you can tell me how to turn all these web links notes into the correct notes.
Here’s how it use to capture
How it captures now.
Thanks for any help or suggestions!
What exactly does “capture notes from Mastodon posts” mean? You are sharing from a post in Safari? You are using a Mastodon client app? If so, which one and what method are you using to share?
I’m in the app Ivory reading posts on Mastadon. I click on the “share” icon and select the Drafts Quick Capture option. I’m not sure where this method comes from, I assumed it was part of having Drafts installed on the machine.
It appears to have stopped working as expected somewhere between 9/11/2024 and 9/16/2024.
Just did another test, looks like if I use a different client reader (Ice Cubes in this case), the draft captures as expected… 
I debugged this, and Ivory is only sending the URL, not the text, to the share extension–at least in the current version. I’ll talk to the Tapbots guys about it, but have been a change on their end.
I looked at Ice Cubes. Its “Share” option has two choices: to share the post or the URL.
Ivory just shares the URL. I spoke to the developers of Ivory, and they said that is always how it has behaved (included back to it’s roots in Tweetbot). Their share menu also has a “Copy Post” action that you can use to get the post text, but that puts in in the clipboard.
I’m not sure what you remember or if it was from a different client, but it does not appear Ivory ever sent the full text of a post to its “Share” command.
It would be possible to write an action in Drafts that took the URL you captured and pulled the related post information directly from the web at a later time. Similar to how the Make Markdown Link example works to pull the title of a URL from the web and create a link.
Ok, thank you so much for looking into it.