Posting to Facebook

Is there still no action to post to Facebook? I searched the action directory and nothing with the FB name even appears.

You can use the “Share” action with the Facebook app’s share extension.

For a long time this did not work because Facebook ignored the text passed to it, but they seem to have fixed that issue recently.

There are no direct actions that do not require the Facebook app + share sheet. Facebook locked down support for posting from outside their own apps a number of years ago and do not allow third-party apps to integrate for text posting.

Thanks for the info, love the app. Come to think of it, the Twitter action is similar in that when run, the text is simply posted on the twitter app you still have to tap send on the iOS device. When posting from Drafts (Mac) the action is much more seamless.

You may be using different Twitter actions. You can post directly to Twitter from either platform, Drafts directly integrates with their APIs. See Twitter integration guide for details and examples.