Paste content into Drafts latest iOS

The lates iOS updates does not allow pasting into drafts. However paste works in Apple notes

Can’t confirm with the latest stable release.

  • Is paste disabled or does it give an error, if so what error?
  • What are you pasting and in what app are you setting the clipboard contents?

How do I know that paste is disabled. Can you actually set that?

Lates iOS on iPhone 4

Paste from chat got.

It works ok in apple notes

Okay, so iPhone 4 is a very old model these days. Can you check your exact version of iOS and Drafts.

You can tell paste is disabled because it shows as disabled in the context menu, but I’m now inferring from your question you are using a button/action to attempt a paste and nothing happens. Anything in the action log?

Can you paste from this topic into Drafts?

Problem resolved. Rebooted my phone. I t must have got stuck with the paste function.