Making clickable links in Drafts to open in Safari?

I’m trying to find my way around Drafts, and I don’t know if this is possible or not. Often I’ll take a URL and copy it to drafts, but I’d also like to be able to click that same text within drafts and have it open in safari. As it is, it’s (obviously) just there as a plain text.

What can I do to make it clickable and live and able to open up in a browser window?


EDIT: issue solved. Thanks, @sylumer!

Check out link mode.


I should have know it would be that easy. Sorry for cluttering up the feed!

Though I think that linked mode documented clearly, many new users struggle with that. (at least second topic about it this week)

Do you have any thoughts on that?


I searched and searched, but I guess I didn’t get the phrasing right. I kept pulling up notes for linking drafts or the unique URLs that each draft has, but there wasn’t anything about “link mode.”

Is there a way to toggle link mode by Workspace? I have a Workspace called Read Later which I saved articles from web. But every time I opened the drafts (in iOS), it goes to edit mode. I have to tap the button to hide the keyboard and then tap on the link mode. Then tap the URL. It takes three taps to go to the website to read an article.

You can disable “Edit on Select” in editor settings (Aa). That will prevent entering edit mode when selecting a draft.


Got it. It’s global setting, not per Workspace though. But it helps.