Mail Assistant Error

I have recently installed Mail Assistant on my Big Sur MBP and I am getting an error message when I try to run the Markdown Mail (w/ Mail Assistant) action:

[“errorCode”: “10”, “errorDescription”: “Service not available”]
Callback returned error.

Any thoughts?

When you say “recently installed”, do you know how recent?

I only ask as a Big Sur update to the app was released about two weeks ago, so if it was before that, the reasons might be that your version would be outdated.

Do you have Mail accounts configured in Mail app? It uses system APIs which require accounts.

Thanks for your help! Sorry for not being clearer, in this case, recently means today.

I downloaded and installed the newest version of Mail Assistant just an hour before I posted here.

Hello and thank you for your help! Yes, I do have an account configured in the Mail app.

Strangely enough, looking back at my sent folder now, the messages are there. I promise they were not before, and the error message I posted was from the Action Log which told me that it failed.

I am happy it worked! In the future, I will wait it out and see if the message shows up in my sent folder even if I get the error message.

Same thing here, only without the happy ending. Mail is configured with the correct accounts.

[“errorCode”: “10”, “errorDescription”: “Service not available”] Callback returned error.

What basic thing am I missing?


Honestly, not sure. I have not been able to reproduce this issue. You are using Apple Mail (not a third party mail client)? That error should only happen if the Apple Mail API tells Mail Assistant it is not configured/able to use Mail to send messages.

Solved! Your last sentence got me to look back at my Apple Mail passwords (I don’t use it as my default mail client) and I had to redo an app-specific password for it. After that it worked.

Thanks so much. I’ve been missing this action on the Mac.

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