Mail Assistant broken on macOS 15.1

UPDATE 2025-01-22: Still broken as of the macOS 15.3 release. No response to my feedback from Apple.

Just a quick head’s up for anyone that uses my Mail Assistant utility to send Markdown mail on Mac, either from Drafts or other tools – Apple broke it in the macOS 15.1 update (maybe also in 15.0, not sure).

Mail Assistant is a Mac Catalyst app that provides a wrapper for an iOS API to send HTML mail for which there is no equivalent on Mac (specifically, MFMailComposeViewController. For some reason, that API (and its companion for sending Messages) are no longer working on macOS 15.1. There is no mention of this in Apple’s release notes and no updates to documentation indicating this is intentional, so I think it’s just a bug. If any Apple people are reading, see FB15693837.

When trying to send mail with Mail Assistant on macOS 15.1, you will get an error about mail not being available.

Hopefully, Apple will resolve in an update soon.


I’m assuming this is the error you’re referring to “Service not available”?

Yes. That would be the error you would get using MailAssistant from an action.