Importing / exporting / syncing actions (for usage with git)

I’d like to develop actions in a github repo, especially since I’m planning on quite a few script actions and would like a way to import / export / sync actions with a folder on file system. What are others doing with this?

I keep my scripts in files in a repo, but my actions don’t go into a repo. I rely on the inbuilt automated backup, but you could add those backups to a repo easily enough.

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So when you want to update a script action you’d have to manually go in there and copy / paste your script?

No. I just require the script file.

Well, I actually do a little bit more than that as I make my library of functions available to everyone, and there are many examples in the Action groups I shared.

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Ah that’s super cool, thanks for sharing! Looks like I can setup a simple pipeline to go from TypeScript → Javascript into the drafts icloud folder and have Draft actions simply require my javascript, then 90% of my drafts development can use typescript instead of needing to interact with the actions editor in drafts.


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