Import/Sync Tags

I mainly use Drafts to generate content out to Evernote. I will appreciate an easy way to import/sync my Evernote tags in Drafts before they are needed in Drafts to reduce the work in recreating them and to avoid possible conflicts by not recreating them identically.

This wish is inconsiderate to the actual feasibility of implementing it, but it’s a wish! Thanks in advance for considering it. :smirk_cat:

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@agiletortoise is it possible for a script to use the Evernote credentials that are saved in Drafts for the Evernote actions? If so I could write a action (script) to sync the tags to a single note for this purpose. :nerd_face:

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Sadly, no. I really wish Evernote would get it’s act together and provide an at least semi-industry standard REST API that would make it easier to do things like that.

I may be missing it, but I don’t think their current APIs even provide an endpoint to request a list of existing tags.

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I came across this old topic while looking similar functionality.

There’s an app called FastEver that quickly captures and saves notes to Evernote. It does retrieve a list of notebooks and list of tags so you can optionally assign those to the note before saving it. Is there any way to find out how they are retrieving those lists?

I would assume it is calling this (from Evernote API docs).

Unfortunately, after being a leading light, Evernote have over time made it ever harder to work with their systems in an automated manner. Just take a look at their documentation or their ongoing support of AppleScript.

I used Evernote for over a decade and was probably a subscriber for most of that time. Eventually, they began imposing so many restrictions that the desire to stop using it exceeded both my brand loyalty and the effort of migrating my content out of their ecosystem.

If Evernote still works for you, then great - different solutions do suit different people and Evernote still has many excellent features. However, have a look through this forum for Evernote issues and you’ll see why there is unlikely to be much investment in building out Evernote integrations beyond what exists already until such time as Evernote make sweeping changes on how they enable and support integration by third party solutions such as Drafts.

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