How to specify monospace typeface?

I have a Mac Drafts 46. I want to do some ASCII diagrams which requires a monspace font, and the only way I seem to be able to get it is by using the Javascript syntax. I’ve tried switching the Editor setting “Aa” at the bottom, but that doesn’t seem to specify which font to use, and am in general confused by two typeface selection, Font and Monospace. Can anyone help? Thanks.

If you want to do standalone diagrams, consider setting your syntax to plain text and set your system font for that syntax to a monospaces font.

This is from my iPhone, but this is exactly how I have my plain text syntax configured.

If you are putting your diagrams alongside other text, you probably want to use one of the Markdown options as your syntax and specify a code block in which to create your diagram. Code blocks in Markdown syntaxes use the monospaces font you have specified in the editor settings.

You can specify a code block by placing the content between triple back ticks like this:

Diagram goes here

Not also that if you indent text in Markdown or place text between a pair of single back ticks, that will also use the monospaces font.

As an aside, if it becomes tedious to build the diagram in Drafts, there are online services and apps like Monodraw that can make the process of creating ASCII diagrams much easier. You could still store the output in Drafts, but creation and maintenance might be easier via a specialist tool.

Hope that helps.