How I use Drafts for Task Management following the GTD Method

I did a video where I show how I use Drafts for task management following the GTD methodology:


Really interesting. Thank you. It has shown me how to use workspaces effectively.


You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.

What a great system! Svartling, one question: I don’t see the setting to put those workspace icons at the bottom of the screen ( in red, orange and green) as seen at 1:45 into your video. Thanks.

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List Options > Workspace Tabs > Show workspace tabs

For accessing list options location, see top right here:

Hope that helps.


Thanks for explaining that so I don’t have to. I’ll appreciate that.

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Thanks for the video, this looks amazing, I will seriously look into implementing your system! Greetings from a fellow Scandinavian!