Help debugging this Send to OmniFocus script

I’m trying to update my Send Tasks to OmniFocus action to insert the permalink into the note of any wiki-linked lines.

This is my Frankenstein script that I cobbled together from pieces of my original script, Rosemary’s send to OmniFocus, and Greg’s “insert draft in place of wiki-links” script… It was working in an earlier version but now is failing at line 10…

I’ve tried everything I can think of but I can’t figure out why. Any ideas?

const note_re = /\|/;
const wiki_re = /\[\[(.+?)\]\]\s/gm;

let findLinkedDraft = (title) => {
	let found = Draft.queryByTitle(title);
	if (found.length == 0) {
		return null;
	return " → " +  title + "|" + found[1].permalink + "\n"; // seemed like found[0] matches the current draft

let permalinked_lines = (d) => {
	let content = draft.processTemplate("[[selection]]");
	content = content.replace(wiki_re, (match, title) => {
		let d = findLinkedDraft(title);
		if (d) {
			return d;
		else { // not found, leave as-is
			return match;
	return content;

let lines = permalinked_lines(draft);

let taskpaper = '';
lines.split("\n").forEach(function(line) {
	if (line.startsWith('- [ ]')) {
		if (line.match(note_re)) {	
			let l = line.split(note_re);
			line = l[0] + "\n" + l[1];
		taskpaper += line.replace('[ ]', '') + "\n";

const baseURL = "omnifocus://x-callback-url/paste";
let cb = CallbackURL.create();
cb.baseURL = baseURL;
cb.addParameter("content", taskpaper.trim());;