Getting tasks from Todoist?

I’m having some trouble figuring out how to use the API for Todoist. I’d like to get all the tasks with a label (or even all the tasks from a specific project with a specific label). The following code grabs all tasks, not just those with the label.

let to = Todoist.create();

let weekly = to.getTasks(
 		"label_id":"2158923611" //got this with getLabels, have also tried the name of the label here


Any tips on what I’m doing wrong?

I had some issues with this, too when I implemented Draftist: GitHub - FlohGro-dev/Draftist: Todoist integration for Drafts

You should already be able to achieve what you want with that actiongroup.

If I remember it correctly the label ID should be a number that’s why it’s not working.

I found it easier to work with the „filter“ parameter because you can insert filters you also can use in todoist search or filters itself :slight_smile:

I wonder if anyone else could test this. I can get tasks with some filters but not others.

The follow code works as expected–it prints the task names to the console.

let to = Todoist.create();

 	let weekly = to.getTasks(
for (p of weekly){

However, if I switch “today” with “@week” I get “undefined”, even though I have several tasks with that label

let to = Todoist.create();

let dir = to.getLabels();

 	let weekly = to.getTasks(
for (p of weekly){

In the Todoist app, I can create a filter with “@week” as the content and it works as expected. Maybe something wrong with their API or the Drafts implementation? Filtering for projects returns similar errors.

This would appear to be a bug in their API. Drafts moved to using v2 of their REST API, because they are discontinuing v1…but this doesn’t seem right. I don’t have time to dig further right now, but if you force Drafts to dropback to the v1 API, it works - and the docs between APIs do not suggest there should be and difference.

To do that, add to.apiVersion = "1" after you create the to object, but before you make any calls.

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