Expanding my Vocabulary using a widget

I wanted to work at remembering and incorporating better vocabulary words into my daily usage. When I encounter a word I want to remember I drop it at the end of a draft (you can use iOS Shortcuts to just append…). This action will (1) add an index number to the end of each word, (2) alphabetize the list and (3) randomly choose out three words to be repeated right after the title. (4) It also updates the index so that each time you see a word it is that much less likely to reappear.
The point is to then add these as a list widget. Set the parameter in the widget to [[line|3…5]] to select out those lines.

I also use iOS shortcuts to automate running the widget every morning at 4 AM so that I get new words every day.

If you want to further customize (how many words to display, etc), adjust the numbers at the top of the script. Instructions are there.

The first time you creat this you will also need to insert 3 dummy words (which will be replaced) after the title and before the list of vocab words begins. For me this looks like this:


dummy word
dummy word
dummy word

List of actual vocab words begins here.