Dumb question... navigating macOS using keyboard

Hi, new macOS user. When I’m typing in a draft, how do I select another draft from the sidebar without using the mouse. I see that ⌘ 1 accesses the sidebar, but I can’t see how to select a draft.

There’s a shortcut to start/stop editing a Draft (CMD+Enter). I use that to jump back and forth between editor and sidebar.

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Thank you. Works great.

Just stumbled onto this. This works great but when I try to navigate to a new Draft with my arrow keys, each Draft is opened and then focused. Is there a way to navigate the Drafts list and then when I get the Draft i want, hit (enter) or something to open/focus it?

You may have enabled the “focus editor” option in editor settings (Drafts > Editor Settings in the main menu). This option forces focus to the editor when a draft is selected, which is useful in some scenarios but generally a bad option on Mac. Turn that off if you want to navigate the list normally with arrow keys and not have focus jump to the editor.