Drafts Twitter Client

Drafts Twitter Client

While not a full-fleged Twitter client when it comes to interacting and reading tweets, Drafts text manipulation capabilities have many advantages. When it comes to the drafting of new tweets, Drafts can shine with features like automatic replacement of common abbreviations, or creating a long Twitter thread in one go (Tweet Storm).


  • Compose tweets with Twitter Syntax Highlighting (@mentions, #hashtags, …).
  • Send tweets directly from Drafts.
  • Automatically attach a hashtag when sending. Useful when tweeting repeatedly from a certain event
  • Tweet Storm: Send a longer text automatically as a Twitter thread.
  • On iOS, easily quickly insert # and @.

Overcome the 280-character-limit

  • Visually indicate character limit.
  • Insert common abbreviations (e.g. withw/) to stay under the character limit. Currently only for English and German, but you can suggest additions in other languages. Feel free to create an issue or make a pull request.
  • Emojify: Save even more characters by replacing your text with various emojis (e.g. dog🐶). Define your own emoji replacement.
  • Automatically suggest splits for the Tweet Storm.

Download Tweets

  • Download faved tweets of any user.
  • Download Twitter search results.
  • View and print them in Markdown.

Use with Drafts

  • Tweets sent from Drafts are naturally archived in Drafts. This makes them easily searchable and allows you to run other Drafts acitons on them.
  • Call the Workspace via Load Twitter Workspace action to automatically apply the tags, syntax and visual needed for this workspace.
  • Advanced Users: Call the Load Twitter Workspace action via URL Scheme to trigger Drafts with the Twitter Workspace from anywhere, e.g. with Alfred or Keyboard Maestro and the following URL Scheme drafts://x-callback-url/runaction?&action=Load%20Twitter%20Workspace

Showcase: Shorten Text


:arrow_right: Github Repository




Brilliant thank you :blush: Oh you had @ = # on your actions :blush:

Thank you, I fixed it

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I am really enjoying using all these thank you

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This looks great!!
…but when I try to install I get error message ‘Invalid Workspace’

Did you follow the installation instructions? There looks to be a workspace to install and my guess would be that is most likely what is missing to cause that error.

i get the same issue :wink:

Okay I see now. Specifically when trying to install the workspace (not run an action), this error appears:

But the install page does list the settings, so it seems pretty easy to recreate. Maybe try this one built off those settings?

Tangentially related: tried to install an unrelated workspace (> 7 Days Old | Drafts Directory) and got the same error. Is there something the most recent release doesn’t like about older workspaces? @agiletortoise

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Looks like this is an issue with importing workspaces exported before this version. Will fix in the next update. I’ve updated the workspaces i shared to the directory so they should work now.


I am still getting the error when I tried to install the workspace