I am a Drafts Pro user. I’m successfully running ver. 28.1 (32) on my new iPhone 13 Mini.
When I upgraded from my previous iPhone SE, Drafts disappeared from my Apple Watch (series 2, WatchOS 6.3), and I can’t get it back.
In the Watch app on iOS, Drafts does not show up in either the Installed list or the Available Apps list.
I’ve tried rebooting both devices, and deleting/reinstalling Drafts on iOS, to no avail.
Any ideas on how to get Drafts back on my Watch?
Unfortunately, we had to leave behind the Series 0, 1, and 2 watches in this upgrade cycle. The Apple Watch app was re-written using the newer Apple interface technologies (SwiftUI) and for compatibility we had to require watchOS 7 or greater - which cannot run on those models.
I don’t love Apple’s solution here, but when an watch app is not compatible with your watch, it just hides the app as if it does not exist - no warnings/messages, etc.
Thanks for the quick answer. That 'splains it.
(Now I have my excuse to upgrade my Watch 
This reminds me - in the “excuses to upgrade” category
- is there anything to look forward to in Drafts with Watch 7? (I have a larger size Watch 5 and would obviously upgrade to same for Watch 7.)
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