Drafts 5.4.2 Released

Drafts 5.4.2 is now available in the App Store.This is a bug fix release.

  • Change: Work to more aggressively restore Watch-Phone sessions if they get stuck and are not passing information.
  • Fix: Crash with some WebDAV step configurations.
  • Fix: Case where creating a draft using Siri could create duplicate drafts.
  • Fix: VoiceOver actions not working on action rows in the action list.
  • Fix: Some entity encoding issues in XML created by WordPress/XML-RPC requests.
  • Fix: Undo causing scrolling on longer drafts.
  • Change: Remove “Run Workflow” action step as option for new steps (replaced by Run Shortcut).
  • Fix: Spotlight indexing a bit too aggressive reindexing some content.
  • Fix: Do not donate Siri “View” intents for blank drafts.

For a complete history of updates, visit the changelog