Drafts 5.3 Released - Todoist integration, new icons and more

Drafts 5.3.0 is now available in the App Store.

New in 5.3

    • For full details, see our new Todoist integration guide.
    • Todoist action step. Adds task to Todoist inbox, which optional configuration to specify reminder and comment. Details
    • Todoist script object access any methods on the Todoist REST API. Allow creation and updating and reading of tasks, projects, comments, labels and more. See reference for details
  • Three new alternate app icons options for Pro subscribers, accessed via “Aa” appearance settings.
  • Prompt improvements
    • addPicker method on Prompt object to add iOS picker style control for selecting values. Details in reference
    • Prompt addButton method can now take optional second value parameter. When provided, the the buttonPressed property will be returned as the value instead of the button name. Value can be any data type. Useful for associating non-string values with a prompt button, or simply alternate string values.
    • Prompt addTextField and addTextView options parameter can now accept a wantsFocus boolean value to hint that the field should be focused for editing when the prompt is displayed. Should only be set on one field in the prompt.
    • Prompts with only one button will treat that one button as the default action and continue with CMD-Return on external keyboard as if that button was pressed.
  • ReminderList object now has getAllReminderLists() and find(title) methods to match those on Calendar object.
  • Learning resources page in Settings for easy access to community site, screencasts, etc.

Other Fixes and Changes in 5.3

  • Change: Allow higher paragraph spacing settings to work better with larger font sizes.
  • Change: More aggressively attempt to re-process Watch transactions which may have failed. Should avoid cases where some drafts created on the watch were stuck an not transferred to the phone.
  • Change: Tighten tolerances of side-panel display gestures to cancel if the swipe moves too much up or down to avoid accidental swipes.
  • Fix: Changing draft list filters should scroll to top of list.
  • New: Add several small animation and visual tweaks.
  • Fix: Insert text step after a script step that called draft.update() might not get freshest draft content.
  • Change: Reset tag entry field when tag is selected in tag suggestions.
  • New: Add uuid parameter to x-success callbacks for the /create URL scheme (also supports retParam to specify parameter name to use).
  • Fix: Embedded iframes in HTML preview action steps were triggering redirects.
  • Change: Refactored all handling of “after success” settings on actions to avoid a few edge cases where the move to archive/trash might not get saved properly.
  • Change: General pass of tweaks to prompts to better support Dynamic text and display better.
  • Change: Tweaks to Markdown bold/italic syntax definitions.
  • Fix: Subproject syntax highlighting in Taskpaper.
  • Change: Text views will also be focused if provided in a prompt.
  • Fix: Issue where “after success” settings on an action might not take properly when in focus mode.
  • Fix: Deleting an action group in manage view should not leave edit mode.

Changelog history


And you just fixed the only thing that annoyed me about Drafts! Reset tag field when tag is chosen from list! Thanks. No more accidental one letter tags getting created.