Drafts 17 (macOS) Released - Editor improvements, Medium support, TouchBar

Drafts 17 (macOS) has been released in the Mac App Store, details below.

(Also, see what’s new in the iOS version)

Editor Improvements

  • Highlight insertion point option to draw different background for current cursor position.
  • Editor setting to limit max characters per line. Works along with margin settings to determine a maximum line length. Great for use with full screen mode to prevent excessively long lines.
  • For more details, see editor settings docs

Other Additions

  • "Run Action" option in drafts list contextual menu. Allows action to be run on multiple selected drafts. Select drafts and right-click to access.
  • TouchBar support (when available). Uses same configuration options as Action Bar (but can display different action group).
  • Two new monochrome editor themes. Available to select in File > Editor Preferences...
  • Medium action step type to post to Medium.com. Docs
  • Medium script object to support scripting Medium API. Docs
  • Script steps now have a new “Allow asynchronous execution” option. When enabled, the action will wait for a call to script.complete() to know if a script step is finished. This allows use of async/await, Promises and other async function calls…but your script must call script.complete() of the action will timeout and fail after 60 seconds.
  • CallbackURL objects have a read-only url property to debug the URL which will be used with the configured parameters.

Other Fixes and Changes

  • Fix: Hiding action group from list should not remove it from main menu.
  • Fix: Filemanager.readString would not return undefined properly when file was not found.
  • Fix: Inaccurate action directory URLs used for opening actions posted to the directory.
  • Fix: Appending to a flagged draft from the capture window could unflag the draft.
  • Misc. additional fixes and stability improvements.

For a complete history of updates, visit the changelog


When is the hiding of the App Icon on Dock going to slated for?

No short term plans to implement. It would require re-architecting the capture window into an entirely separate app which ads a lot of complexity and would limit some of the other functionality I have planned for it.

the touchbar support is huge :slight_smile: thank you!
now three different action groups can be displayed on the mac :smiley:

I use it for simple actions like archive, flag, add tags and so on :slight_smile:

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