Does keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet exists?

Of the many things I have to thank you for (that I’ve been experimenting with lately,) this is the most significant, but for reasons not entirely related to just Drafts. Without being too wordy:

I’ve been using a bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone since it was introduced with iPhone 4. (It began as a conscious experiment - I chose a new phone instead of a new laptop to take to my first year of college.)

I have accumulated a lot of evidence to suggest that number of iPhone users who’ve used a hardware keyboard with their phone is extremely tiny, but I think it’s a dynamic that’s still worth documenting properly. As you’ve probably observed, even the association of iPad and keyboard in the past few years has actually made it worse - lookup any given iOS app’s keyboard shortcuts and you’ll return a list for iPad and nothing else. Over the years, I’ve maintained a habit of going down the iPad list, testing each shortcut on iPhone, noting down the results in a table, and then emailing said list to the developers. (Naturally, they almost never respond. Shout out to Tapbots for being the only recent exception.)

Basically, I have come to the conclusion that the responsibility of writing the definitive iPhone x Bluetooth Keyboard guide/reference/documentation is my own.

I’m posting this response here because I want to invte past, present, and future users to please share any thoughts they have on this if they so desire, but I’d very much like to consult you privately if you can spare the time and energy.
