[Discussion] mdpre: Make A Presentation Title Slide

md2pptx takes Markdown and turns it into a Powerpoint .pptx presentation.

Here is an action to create a presentation title slide. It has a little smarts in it as it generates a mailto: link, based off the presenter’s email address. So an audience member can email the presenter/author with the title line filled in with “presentation-title Presentation”. (It doesn’t do anything with the body of such an email, though you could easily adapt it to.

The action appends the generated text to the end of the current draft. (You probably will have grabbed some metadata before creating the title slide.)

At the top of the only step - which is Javascript - you will need to set a few variables. I did it this way as you might make many presentations and not want to be prompted for eg Name, email address, social media details. Again, you could change this.

Here is the action.

Make A Presentation Title Slide - For md2pptx

Experimenting with downloading it from the md2pptx project - where this action will be actively maintained - it offers to overwrite any existing action of the same name, or not to. At this stage I’d just save your variable setting lines somewhere when this action gets updated and paste them back in.

Here’s an example of the generated Markdown:

# How To Be A Better Performance Specialist
Martin Packer, IBM<br/>[martin_packer@uk.ibm.com](mailto:martin_packer@uk.ibm.com?subject=How%20To%20Be%20A%20Better%20Performance%20Specialist%20Presentation)<br/>Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: martinpacker

Import also possible via github > WorkingCopy > Share > Drafts

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See also https://github.com/derickfay/key2txt


was not aware of keynotes feature to get dataxtrough apple script.

thanks for the link

Nice! I once needed something similar for PowerPoint but I’ve largely converted my conference presentations to Markdown. I started md2pptx about 3 years ago and as a presentation came up for “refurbishment” :slight_smile: I converted it to Markdown.

(The intro blurb for md2pptx describes the benefits I genuinely got from converting my “Much Ado About CPU” presentation to Markdown. Over 10 years it got very inconsistent. No more.)

That’s a neat trick, too. Will do a pull into Working Copy.