[Discussion] Good IDE in 2020

after some issues with the integrated Pyto editor I am looking for a good editor (IDE for integrated development environment).

To open the discussion I compiled a list and higlighted my choice:


My Choice: Underdog based on Extensible JS Code Mirror

Powerful, Feature Rich but Expensive

Maybe or Not?

Week 01: StudIO … rough start


The installation of the app was smooth.
First setup was a bit rough.
Project are completely git based (which might not be a problem but is a information to keep in mind)

The developer was available (on discourse forum) to get me on treck. There will be more documentation how to include themes and extensions.

In short:

  • look at the example extension and theme on STUDIOs github page
  • clone the repositories
  • restart the app to force a scan
  • add the boxed plus icon in the top bar
  • add the extension and the theme

CodeMirror Extensions have to be extended with a studio package json. The documentation is also on github